Middle School Project - October 2024

Concept drawing for middle school with three athletic fields in the background and Mill Brook & Broken Ground Schools in the foreground

The Concord Board of Education and the school district have been planning a new middle school since 2017.

In December 2023, the Board selected district-owned property behind Broken Ground Elementary School as the location for the new school.

The 59-acre parcel has been owned by the district since the 1980s for the purpose of building a middle school or high school.

This location provides an opportunity for all Concord students to attend school for three years in a wooded environment next to 121 acres of city- and district-owned conservation land.

Building at Rundlett (South Street)

Satellite view of Rundlett property

Satellite view of Rundlett Middle School with athletic fields on the left and Abbott-Downing on the lower right

The Board of Education selected Broken Ground over the Rundlett location for three main reasons – the lower cost, the impact to student learning at Rundlett and Abbot Downing and the compact site.

If the project were to be moved to Rundlett, the project needs to be redesigned for the site and all studies need to be conducted (wetland delineation, geotechnical, traffic and water sewer studies; design work - architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection). This process is estimated to take 9 to 12 months.

RMS Sports Impact - practices to relocate: 233; field use to reallocate: 612 hours

Athletic fields would not be available at Rundlett for five years. Once construction is completed, there would be one less field than there is now.