Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework

A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a framework designed to address academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning development of students within a fully integrated system of support. MTSS uses three-tiers of increasingly intensive interventions that are comprehensive in scope, preventative in design and developmental in nature.

Tier 1: Student Wellness Promotion and Support (All Students/Universal)

Student wellness promotion for all (Tier 1) refers to all activities to foster positive social, emotional and behavioral skills and well-being of all students.  Supporting well-being and educational success for all students, Tier 1 is preventative and benefits all students. These activities might also include efforts to support positive school climate and staff well-being.  About 80-85% of students thrive when provided Tier 1 supports.

  • Schoolwide agreements

  • District Vision of Learner and Portrait of a Graduate

  • SEL programs

  • Rundlett Middle School and Concord High School Advisory Programs

  • Student voice opportunities

  • School counselor check-ins and lunch groups

  • School counselor classroom lessons

  • Health and wellness through PE and health

  • Positive educator and student relationships

Tier 2: Social Emotional & Mental Health Early Intervention (Targeted)

Social emotional and mental health early intervention, or Tier 2 services, support students who have been identified through a systematic, equitable process as experiencing mild distress, mildly impaired academic/social functioning or as at-risk for a given problem or concern. About 10-15% of students benefit from these services provided on a short-term basis, typically in small group settings.

  • Small group academic, social, emotional skill instruction (anxiety, stress, friendship)

  • Short-term 1:1 Coaching and Counseling

  • Check-in, Check-Out

Tier 3: Intensive Social Emotional/ Mental Health Support (Individualized)

Intensive social emotional and/or mental health support, or Tier 3 services help students experiencing significant distress and impaired academic/social functioning. These supports are individualized to specific student needs. Tier 3 support includes services provided by school-based mental health professionals employed by the school or community organizations.

 If you feel your child would benefit from Tier 2 or 3 services, please contact your student’s school counselor to share your concerns and learn about how to refer to such services.

  • 1:1 Counseling

  • SEL/MH Programming

  • Student Support Planning