Student Support Team Professionals in Our Schools
School Counselors
Provide individual, small group and classroom-based counseling to help with concerns that impact a child within the educational environment. School counselors help students feel a sense of belonging in school, support the development of positive friendships, and help kids learn the skills to be successful in school.
Middle and high school counselors become increasingly engaged with helping students with pathways, course selection and post-graduation planning. School counselors are the Section 504 facilitators at each school.
School Social Workers and Home-to-School Liaisons
Social workers support student achievement and wellness by connecting families with important community resources and services such as housing, food, medical and mental health care.
Student Assistance Counselors (SAP)
At the middle and high school level, SAP counselors help with prevention education and intervention services related to at-risk behaviors and substance misuse. They offer essential support to youth navigating the complex challenges faced every day across our community.
Rundlett Middle School - Brian Daniels
Concord High School - Aimee Tucker
School Psychologists
Provide academic and social-emotional assessment, guiding educational teams to better understand the unique challenges and assets of each learner.
Clinical mental health supports are provided through grants.
Riverbend Liaisons
Provide on-site short-term individual and small group counseling, and bridge students to long-term, clinic-based care to reduce time on waiting lists to receive support.
Elementary - Aprylle Desrosiers
Middle School & High School - Sarah Ames
Family Peer Support Specialist
Provides community and home-based support to families experiencing behavioral and mental health difficulties.