Family Center
In collaboration with local community partners, we work to create a strong foundation for families, providing them with tools and strategies to help their children thrive academically, socially and emotionally.
Come join us!
Parents and caregivers of children birth to age five are invited to attend any of the six Family Center programs in our community.
Families will have the opportunity to enjoy arts and crafts, music, stories, play and snack together with their children. An early childhood teacher will guide families through a fun and educational experience.
Programs are free for Concord families and no registration is required.
For more information, contact Erin Cayer at (603) 225-0811
Family Center Locations and Hours
Mondays - 9 - 10:30am
Jennings Drive - 19 Jennings Drive
Tuesdays - 9 - 10:30am
Mill Brook School - 53 South Curtisville Road
Wednesdays - 9 - 10:30am
Abbot-Downing School - 152 South Street
Wednesdays - 9 - 10:30am
Christa McAuliffe School - 17 North Spring Street
Thursdays - 9 - 10:30am
Heights Family Center/Citywide Community Center - 14 Canterbury Road
Fridays - 9 - 10:30am
Beaver Meadow School - 40 Sewall Fall Road